Machine manufacturers in the European market know that their products must meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive in order to be CE marked and sold. And this does not represent anything new. However, did you know that requirements are put in writing taking into consideration the fact that new technical solutions are being developed over time?
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC states:
(14) Essential safety and health protection requirements should be met in order to ensure that the machine is safe; these requirements should be applied with discernment to take into account the level of technology existing at the time of construction as well as technical and economic imperatives.
The technical cutting edge is a moving target, and will always be a challenge for machine builders who want to keep up with the times. Technical solutions are evolving, giving rise to new ways of producing machines that are safer than in the past.
The beginnings of programmable electronic components for machinery
In the mid-1990s, Parker launched IQAN, a programmable electronic component that made machinery safer by activating intelligent safety locks. Among the safety features were those that limited the moment of loading on cranes and stopped movement when the driver exited the cab. At that time, the key features of best-in-class systems were structural strength, making them ideal for harsh environments, and electromagnetic compatibility. Both of these features are considered basic requirements today. In the case of IQAN, software specifications for application development meant that machines were less prone to implementation errors, although there was no established method for machine manufacturers to evaluate software objectively. The machine safety standards then in place were basically focused on different levels of redundancy, and little attention was paid to aspects of software and electronic component analysis. Standardized solutions, besides being cost prohibitive, failed to address important aspects of control systems.
With the publication of ISO 13849-1:2006 Machine Safety, designers were given guidelines on how to methodically develop a control system with safety functions focusing on hardware reliability, diagnostics and software quality to achieve the desired level of performance (PL). The requirements of the standard were adapted to the growing experience of using programmable electronic components and the increasing availability of data on component reliability. ISO 13849-1 enables machine designers to choose the best solution for each part of a safety function. For example, sensors with redundant signal, traditional controllers certified to IEC 61508, and reliable and proven hydraulic components.
Parker’s technological advances
When Parker introduced the IQAN-MC3 controller certified to IEC 61508 SIL2 in 2010, it also gave machine manufacturers a concrete way to implement SIL2 / PLd safety functions. The IQAN-MC3 controller is designed around the concept that in-depth component knowledge is essential for efficient hardware diagnostics. The basic diagnostic package includes the so-called “challenge-response” procedure, a series of cyclic tests that ensure good diagnostic coverage without the need for excessive hardware integration. This offers a realistic hardware cost; however, the extended self-diagnostic firmware does not affect computing speed.
An example of an application in which the technology has been used is the control of the front carriage loading moment. Here, calculating the stability of the machine makes it possible to prevent it from tipping over. The forklift steering wheel is another example.
As mobile machinery manufacturers gain experience from standards referring to the most critical safety functions, the next step is to transfer this structured approach to normal operational functions. In the mobile sector, it has always been difficult to make a distinction between some of the normal operational functions and security functions. Limits at the moment of loading and stopping motion when the driver exits the cab are examples of functions whose primary objective is safety. Stopping the implement hydraulics when the operator leaves the lever is part of normal machine operation, but it can also be a safety function. As safety-certified mobile machinery controllers become increasingly affordable, it makes sense to elevate the requirements for all motion control functions.
Cutting-edge technology combined with safety and performance
The new series of
is a perfect example of how the level of technology is evolving.
IQAN-MC4xFS builds on the experience of
, with the reuse of the proven IQAN software platform, which is the basis of all IQAN masters. It also inherited the concept of power driver outputs with combined top and bottom switches and wiring fault detection for safety loads. Basic electronic components were also developed. One of the key components is Infineon’s microcontroller, specifically for machinery and automotive applications. It was designed from the beginning with hardware to support self-diagnostics. This feature means that, compared with its predecessor IQAN-MC3, IQAN-MC4xFS is more operationally efficient, being able to run larger applications in a shorter cycle time.
By being able to rely on one of the larger modules (IQAN-MC42FS or IQAN-MC43FS), the machine designer has the opportunity to use a certified controller for all sections on a directional hydraulic control valve. This is a cost-effective way to meet the C performance level of the safety function without having to add additional hydraulic components. For functions requiring a higher level of performance (D), IQAN-MC4xFS can be used to read spool position sensors and operate pump unloading valves in order to benefit from a second hydraulic shutdown pathway.
MC4xFS enables current and future functional safety requirements to be met without affecting the performance of machine functionality. It thus allows for absolutely cost-effective reliance on secure and intuitive functionality. Technological development in electronics has brought us to an advanced level by which safety functions can be implemented on almost all motion control functions of a machine. And this allows you to focus on what is most relevant, which is the functionality of the machine. Find out more.
icle written by Gustav Widén, systems engineer electronics, Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Sweden AB.
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Machine manufacturers in the European market know that their products must meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive in order to be CE marked and sold. And this does not represent anything new. However, did you know that requirements are put in writing taking into consideration the fact that new technical solutions are being developed over time?
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC states:
(14) Essential health and safety requirements should be met in order to ensure that the machine is safe; these requirements should be applied with discernment to take into account the level of technology existing at the time of construction as well as technical and economic imperatives.
The technical cutting edge is a moving target, and will always be a challenge for machine builders who want to keep up with the times. Technical solutions are evolving, giving rise to new ways of producing machines that are safer than in the past.
The beginnings of programmable electronic components for machinery
In the mid-1990s, Parker launched IQAN, a programmable electronic component that made machinery safer by activating intelligent safety locks. Among the safety features were those that limited the moment of loading on cranes and stopped movement when the driver exited the cab. At that time, the key features of best-in-class systems were structural strength, making them ideal for harsh environments, and electromagnetic compatibility. Both of these features are considered basic requirements today. In the case of IQAN, software specifications for application development meant that machines were less prone to implementation errors, although there was no established method for machine manufacturers to evaluate software objectively. The machine safety standards then in place were basically focused on different levels of redundancy, and little attention was paid to aspects of software and electronic component analysis. Standardized solutions, besides being cost prohibitive, failed to address important aspects of control systems.
With the publication of ISO 13849-1:2006 Machine Safety, designers were given guidelines on how to methodically develop a control system with safety functions focusing on hardware reliability, diagnostics and software quality to achieve the desired level of performance (PL). The requirements of the standard were adapted to the growing experience of using programmable electronic components and the increasing availability of data on component reliability. ISO 13849-1 enables machine designers to choose the best solution for each part of a safety function. For example, sensors with redundant signal, traditional controllers certified to IEC 61508, and reliable and proven hydraulic components.
Parker’s technological advances
When Parker introduced the IQAN-MC3 controller certified to IEC 61508 SIL2 in 2010, it also gave machine manufacturers a concrete way to implement SIL2 / PLd safety functions. The IQAN-MC3 controller is designed around the concept that in-depth component knowledge is essential for efficient hardware diagnostics. The basic diagnostic package includes the so-called “challenge-response” procedure, a series of cyclic tests that ensure good diagnostic coverage without the need for excessive hardware integration. This offers a realistic hardware cost; however, the extended self-diagnostic firmware does not affect computing speed.
An example of an application in which the technology has been used is the control of the front carriage loading moment. Here, calculating the stability of the machine allows it to be prevented from tipping over. The forklift steering wheel is another example.
As mobile machinery manufacturers gain experience from standards referring to the most critical safety functions, the next step is to transfer this structured approach to normal operational functions. In the mobile sector, it has always been difficult to make a distinction between some of the normal operational functions and security functions. Limits at the time of loading and stopping motion when the driver exits the cab are examples of functions whose primary objective is safety. Stopping the implement hydraulics when the operator leaves the lever is part of normal machine operation, but it can also be a safety function. As safety-certified mobile machinery controllers become increasingly affordable, it makes sense to elevate the requirements for all motion control functions.
Cutting-edge technology combined with safety and performance
The new series of IQAN-MC4xFS is a perfect example of how the level of technology is evolving.
IQAN-MC4xFS builds on the experience of IQAN-MC3, with reuse of the proven IQAN software platform, which is the basis of all IQAN masters. It also inherited the concept of power driver outputs with combined top and bottom switches and wiring fault detection for safety loads. Basic electronic components were also developed. One of the key components is the Infineon microcontroller, specifically for machine and automotive applications. It was designed from the beginning with hardware to support self-diagnostics. This feature means that, compared with its predecessor IQAN-MC3, IQAN-MC4xFS is more operationally efficient, being able to run larger applications in a shorter cycle time.
By being able to rely on one of the larger modules (IQAN-MC42FS or IQAN-MC43FS), the machine designer has the opportunity to use a certified controller for all sections on a directional hydraulic control valve. This is a cost-effective way to meet the C performance level of the safety function without having to add additional hydraulic components. For functions requiring a higher level of performance (D), IQAN-MC4xFS can be used to read spool position sensors and operate pump unloading valves in order to benefit from a second hydraulic stop path.
MC4xFS enables current and future functional safety requirements to be met without affecting the performance of machine functionality. It thus allows for absolutely cost-effective reliance on secure and intuitive functionality. Technological development in electronics has brought us to an advanced level by which safety functions can be implemented on almost all motion control functions of a machine. And this allows you to focus on what is most relevant, which is the functionality of the machine. Find out more.
Article written by Gustav Widén, systems engineer electronics, Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Sweden AB.
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