Real-time production data as a powerful tool for improving quality
In modern manufacturing environments that take advantage of digital technology, data acquisition can improve product quality management more than ever before. The ability to collect and evaluate data in real time as well as to react to it is essential for excellent monitoring of production processes by highlighting problems and deviations. In this way, anomalies […]
How to make motors safer and easier to operate in explosive atmospheres
Motors and sensors walk hand in hand. To the EX range of motors, already equipped with a number of sensors capable of providing feedback on various parameters, Parker has now added a HIPERFACE DSL® EX range of motors encoder with explosion-proof housing. Thus, controlling and monitoring EX servomotors through a Parker servo controller is even […]
Advanced machine safety to leave nothing to chance
In the manufacturing industry, any area where humans and machines intersect becomes an area of potential danger. Even in the modern production line, humans often prove vital in production or packaging processes; however, conveyor belts, robotic arms, cutting blades and other moving machines can cause serious injury and even death. The European Machinery Directive has […]